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Powershell for NetApp

April 28th, 2010 Comments off

Hi all,

a few days ago a colleague of mine Filip Sneppe, who has great expertise in Netapp solutions, sent me a link to “PoshOnTap” asking me if we already had any experience with this product in any of our Netapp environments. Unfortunately, we did not. At that point – especially because I am a lazy admin and dislike repetitive manual tasks – I got an overwhelming feeling of curiosity and plunged myself into the product.

These were the products he pointed me to:

I will be writing a few blogs on the last item in the list: PoshOnTap.

More details on PoshOntap:

  • PoshOnTap was created by glenn.sizemore.
  • The first publication of his product can be located here.
  • Version 1.1 of this module can be located here.


Categories: NetApp Tags: , ,

Group Membership – Nested Groups

April 22nd, 2010 Comments off

In addition to the article Ben wrote on April 7th, 2010, I would like to add that there is another “Group Membership” property available to a user-object when you are using the Quest AD Tools:


This property lists all the indirect group memberships. If you want to retrieve all the groups the user is part of (directly and indirectly) this code will help you achieve that:

$sUser = get-qaduser -samaccountname <username>

$UsrGrps = $sUser.MemberOf

$UsrGrps += $sUser.NestedMemberOf


Categories: Active Directory Tags: